The Moselle Cycle Route (1st Edition) by Mike Wells (2014)

Author Mike Wells
Barcode 9781852847210
ISBN 9781852847210
Format Books
Publisher Cicerone Press
Size 116 x 172 x 12mm
Weight (g) 230 g

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Product description

This guidebook covers the entirety of the Moselle river's course, from its source in the Vosges Mountains of eastern France to its confluence with the Rhine at the west German city of Koblenz. The well-waymarked route reaches historic Nancy and Metz, crosses into Luxembourg and continues through the spectacular Mosel gorge, where the river cuts a sinuous path between the Hunsr

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This guidebook covers the entirety of the Moselle river's course, from its source in the Vosges Mountains of eastern France to its confluence with the Rhine at the west German city of Koblenz. The well-waymarked route reaches historic Nancy and Metz, crosses into Luxembourg and continues through the spectacular Mosel gorge, where the river cuts a sinuous path between the Hunsr

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Author Mike Wells
Barcode 9781852847210
Isbn 9781852847210
Format Books
Publisher Cicerone Press
Size 116 x 172 x 12mm
Weight (g) 230 g

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