Ocean Passages & Landfalls (2nd Edition) by Rod Heikell & Andy O`Grady (2009)

Author Rod Heikell & Andy O'Grady
Barcode 9781846231551
ISBN 9781846231551
Format Books
Publisher Imray
Size 210 x 292 x 12mm
Weight (g) 699 g

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Product description

Ocean Passages and Landfalls is a handbook for world cruisers. It provides invaluable passage-planning information for crossing the oceans, with discussions on climates, seasons, oceanography and the merits of different world cruising routes.

The heart of the book is an ocean-by-ocean round up and at the beginning of each of these sections is a description of routes, followed by information on the countries relevant to these routes. Details of formalities ... Read More

Ocean Passages and Landfalls is a handbook for world cruisers. It provides invaluable passage-planning information for crossing the oceans, with discussions on climates, seasons, oceanography and the merits of different world cruising routes.

The heart of the book is an ocean-by-ocean round up and at the beginning of each of these sections is a description of routes, followed by information on the countries relevant to these routes. Details of formalities and regulations are then followed by essential information on key harbours and landfalls.

This second edition has been thoroughly revised and enlarged and now features new sections on chosen areas and topics - the Atlantic Circuit or Cruising on Ice, for instance. Here the opportunity has been taken to provide more informal commentary and observations based on first-hand experience. These sections are illustrated by the author's colour photos, many of which have been taken during the production of this new edition and sent in from far-flung parts of the oceans: Rod Heikell in the South Pacific and the Torres Strait, and Andy O'Grady in Brazil and the high latitudes of Chile.

As an up-to-date reference for world cruising this new edition of Ocean Passages and Landfalls sets the benchmark as both practical reference and also as a book for dreamers.

'For anyone contemplating more than an Atlantic circuit or Mediterranean cruise, Ocean Passages and Landfalls would be a very worthwhile choice and

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Author Rod Heikell & Andy O'Grady
Barcode 9781846231551
Isbn 9781846231551
Format Books
Publisher Imray
Size 210 x 292 x 12mm
Weight (g) 699 g

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