Barging In Europe (2nd Edition) by Roger Van Dyken (2005)


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Product details

Author Roger Van Dyken
Barcode 9780965188418
ISBN 9780965188418
Format Books
Publisher Cedarbrook Publications
Size 134 x 204 x 10mm
Weight (g) 424 g

Product description

Practical, hands-on guidelines for handling a barge on the rivers and canals of continental Europe.

Barging In Europe includes such essentials as where to shop for a barge, what is and is not important on a barge, how to negotiate locks, and critical safety procedures and manoeuvring tips.

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Practical, hands-on guidelines for handling a barge on the rivers and canals of continental Europe.

Barging In Europe includes such essentials as where to shop for a barge, what is and is not important on a barge, how to negotiate locks, and critical safety procedures and manoeuvring tips.

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Author Roger Van Dyken
Barcode 9780965188418
Isbn 9780965188418
Format Books
Publisher Cedarbrook Publications
Size 134 x 204 x 10mm
Weight (g) 424 g

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