4WD Days in the Goldfields of WA (2nd Edition) (2009)

Australia region Western Australia
Barcode 9771440622145
ISBN 9771440622145
Format 0
Publisher Westate Publishers
Size 148 x 210 x 9mm
Weight (g) 283 g

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Product description

The 21st century rush to Western Australia's goldfields is made up of sunseeking holiday makers taking advantage of the warm weather, the wide open spaces and a remarkable heritage legacy that recalls the hectic history of the region. The excitement of fabulous finds and the romance of the resulting gold rushes are well captured for modern-day 4WD travellers in this trip book.

As well as the historical record, the book ... Read More

The 21st century rush to Western Australia's goldfields is made up of sunseeking holiday makers taking advantage of the warm weather, the wide open spaces and a remarkable heritage legacy that recalls the hectic history of the region. The excitement of fabulous finds and the romance of the resulting gold rushes are well captured for modern-day 4WD travellers in this trip book.

As well as the historical record, the book provides detailed trip notes with selected GPS waypoints to guide you on sixteen thrilling journeys of discovery through remote wilderness bush tracks to give you a taste of what it must have been like for the people who pioneered these parts.

Trips include:

  • Southern Cross: The Ted Payne Tour, The Roly Dimer Tour & The Thomas Davidson Tour
  • Coolgardie: The Fred Rowe Tour, The Charles Hunt Tour & The Bob Rowles Tour
  • Kalgoorlie: The Hilda Jarvis Tour, The Phil Mack Tour & The Billy Frost Tour
  • Norseman: The George Mundale Tour, The Ned Devine Tour & The Luigi Cappa Tour

Almost all of the tours have a few mildly challenging elements suited to 4wdriving. These include ruts, bogs, soft sand and rocks along with a few overgrown sections that will test your driving skills. But the wild, empty country you will access can more than make up for any difficulties you may encounter along the way. This trip book will bring these remote and now largely silent regions alive for you.

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Australia region Western Australia
Barcode 9771440622145
Isbn 9771440622145
Format 0
Publisher Westate Publishers
Size 148 x 210 x 9mm
Weight (g) 283 g

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