1942 Histomap of Evolution


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ISBN n/a
Format Maps
Publisher The Chart & Map Shop
Retail express code 148774
Size 412 x 1118 x 1mm
Weight (g) 300 g

Product description

This is a really cool Histomap of Evolution, showing "earth, life and mankind for ten thousand million years".

This historical map is a replica of the original and can be laminated if that's your thing.

It's accuracy is perhaps somewhat questionable and it's a bit racist (segregating modern man into distinct races of people) but it is, nevertheless, fascinating to look at.

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This is a really cool Histomap of Evolution, showing "earth, life and mankind for ten thousand million years".

This historical map is a replica of the original and can be laminated if that's your thing.

It's accuracy is perhaps somewhat questionable and it's a bit racist (segregating modern man into distinct races of people) but it is, nevertheless, fascinating to look at.

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Isbn n/a
Format Maps
Publisher The Chart & Map Shop
Retail express code 148774
Size 412 x 1118 x 1mm
Weight (g) 300 g

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