Discovering Mount Augustus National Park by Janine Guenther (2012)


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Product details

Australia region Western Australia
Author Janine Guenther
Barcode 9781921703164
ISBN 9781921703164
Format Books
Publisher Department of Environment & Conservation
Size 94 x 140 x 6mm
Weight (g) 80 g

Product description

This pocket-sized guide is packed with useful information to help you discover the history, geology, flora, fauna and great walk trails of Mount Augustus National Park.

Colourful gullies, natural springs and breathtaking views are just some of the rewards for visitors to this remarkable park, which is found within the semi-arid zone of WA, about 500 kilometres drive east of Carnarvon

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This pocket-sized guide is packed with useful information to help you discover the history, geology, flora, fauna and great walk trails of Mount Augustus National Park.

Colourful gullies, natural springs and breathtaking views are just some of the rewards for visitors to this remarkable park, which is found within the semi-arid zone of WA, about 500 kilometres drive east of Carnarvon

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Australia region Western Australia
Author Janine Guenther
Barcode 9781921703164
Isbn 9781921703164
Format Books
Publisher Department of Environment & Conservation
Size 94 x 140 x 6mm
Weight (g) 80 g

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