The Magical World of Fungi (2nd Edition) by Patricia Negus (2014)

Author Patricia Negus
Barcode 9780992485108
ISBN 9780992485108
Format Books
Publisher Cape to Cape Publishing
Size 210 x 297 x 10mm
Weight (g) 300 g

Product description

In this unique publication accomplished artist, Patricia Negus, illustates the common fungi of Australia's southwest in stunning watercolours. Take a journey with Patricia into this little known biological kingdom and share in her excitement as she talks about her passion. Marvel at the richness of colour, texture and the sheer beauty of these fascinating and enigmatic organisms.

Contains scientifically accurate illustrations of many species never before illustrated.

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In this unique publication accomplished artist, Patricia Negus, illustates the common fungi of Australia's southwest in stunning watercolours. Take a journey with Patricia into this little known biological kingdom and share in her excitement as she talks about her passion. Marvel at the richness of colour, texture and the sheer beauty of these fascinating and enigmatic organisms.

Contains scientifically accurate illustrations of many species never before illustrated.

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Author Patricia Negus
Barcode 9780992485108
Isbn 9780992485108
Format Books
Publisher Cape to Cape Publishing
Size 210 x 297 x 10mm
Weight (g) 300 g

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Love this book and have referred it on to others.

Beautifully drawn

Gorgeous illustrations and very readable.

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